Class 15: Practice in Interpreting Criminal Statutes:
Mens Rea and Mistake


Read  Dressler 135-137 (§10.06); 151-162 (top); 165-176(top)

Think about how you would use the tools you have learned in interpreting a criminal statute.  

Think about what role a defendant's mistake does and should play in determining criminal liability.  What is the relationship between mens rea and mistake?

Do the Food Coupon and Controlled Substance problems and be prepared to make arguments for both sides in class.

In Class:  Food Coupon and Controlled Substance Problems


Sorry we didn't get to the problems, but I thought it would help getting the rules clarified first.  It was necessary for you to try to work with the problems to really understand what we are trying to do.  Now go back and see if, having the tools, you proceed differently.

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