Summer 2003

Please indicate below the manner in which you are complying with the word requirement of the Criminal Procedure take-home exam (Part II of the exam).

You must select A, B, or C. If you select A, you must accurately fill in the number of words and also select (1) or (2). If you select B, you must accurately fill in the number of words based on a count of the entire exam. If you select C, you are responsible for the accuracy of the method chosen.

Placement of your exam number on this declaration certifies that you have checked the accuracy of the information you have provided. IGNORANCE OR MISUNDERSTANDING (OF COMPUTERS OR OTHERWISE) IS NO EXCUSE. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOU COMPLY WITH THE RULES, AND FAILURE TO DO WILL BE VIEWED AS RECKLESSNESS UNDER THE HONOR CODE.

_____A. My computer has done a word count and there are words in the answer I am submitting. The word count must be done according to the instructions provided on the website.

_____(1) I have attached a word count printed by my computer .

_____(2) I am unable to provide a word count from my computer but I certify that the computer generated the count stated.

_____B. I have personally counted the words in my answer and there are words in the answer I am submitting.

_____C. Other: Explain in detail.

By entering my exam number here, I certify the accuracy of the statement(s) checked above.

Exam Number


Return this form with your exam and answer.