Class 11 - Introduction To Criminal Lawyering: The Courtney Case


Read the indictment in the Courtney case.

Read the relevant statutes.

Think about what elements must be proven and how the prosecution will go about proving each of them. Who has the burden of proof on each issue and what is that burden? How will the party who has the burden meet it?  What defenses might you anticipate, and who has to prove/disprove them? 

What issues do you think will be most difficult for the government?  for the Defendant?  What other facts do you need to know?

In Class:  Review of Problem


1. Having worked through the first few problems, are you more comfortable with the methodology of  problem-solving?  Go back over the next problems using your new approach.

2. Is interpreting statutes and applying them harder (does it involve more) than you initially thought?  Why do you think that is so?

3. If you feel somewhat confused or frustrated, don't worry about it.  We have touched on a lot of issues that we will be addressing in more depth throughout the semester.  Remember your questions so you can address them again later.

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