My name is Roger Rapier. I play World League football; I work out; I've got a great body. Women tend to be attracted to me immediately, and professional women especially, although often they fight it. But I'm a good guy - I care about ladies. I can't believe someone would charge me with rape.

I was at a Halloween party last night. There were lots of jocks and lots of business and professional people. Most people were in costume; some weren't. I noticed this real attractive chick earlier in the evening, wearing a french maid costume, but she was always very involved talking to other people. As it got late, the crowd around her dwindled, and I made my way over to her. I was part of a group of four or five people just making small talk when someone who was obviously a friend of hers came over and whispered to her, some of it soft, some of it fairly loud. I overheard that her ride had left with some guy. She appeared upset about it. Several of the people around her left and we continued talking. Eventually I indicated that I was leaving and asked if she needed a ride. She said she'd call a cab, but I said that was silly and that I'd be happy to take her home. She was still down but started to seem kind of flirty. She asked if I was sure it wouldn't be a problem, and I said "No problem."

We left in my car and drove toward her house. She gave me the address and directions. As we drove, we talked - small talk mostly. She was still a bit flirty, although she did have an "edge" - she still seemed a little upset about what her friend had told her. She was impressed that I play ball, and she asked about the team and what I do. When we arrived at her house, I got out and opened the car door for her, the usual stuff. I like to treat women like ladies. Anyway, I walked her to the door, and we stood outside for a while. I asked "Do you want me to walk you in?" and she said it wasn't necessary. I said I'd like to, since I had to make a phone call anyway. She said OK. We went inside, and she showed me to the phone in the kitchen. I made a brief call to my answering service, had no important messages, and returned to the living room where she was standing near the couch.

I went over to her, thinking we might "get it on." I said something like "You're beautiful, you foxy lady." She said something like "Please don't start anything. I appreciate the ride, but that's all I want right now.' I've heard that before, so I said "Loosen up, honey. You know you want me, and I want you." She said something like "Please go," but I could tell she didn't really mean it. I figured she's one of those chicks who doesn't want to be seen as loose or easy - she wants it but can't let it look like she does - so you have to press a little bit. So I said "Honey, we both want it - I'll make sure you get it good. I'm a big strong guy, and I'm real hot. I know what I want, and I know what you really want, and I'm gonna give you the time of your life and your gonna love it."

She began to back away a little and meekly said "stop, please don't." I said "Come on honey, relax and enjoy it, don't fight it - it's better if you don't fight it." She didn't say anything after that, so I came up close to her, edged her onto the couch, and began kissing her and groping at her. I pulled off the top of her costume and began playing with her breasts. I know I can be a little rough, but she didn't resist or fight me and I thought she was enjoying it - she didn't actively participate, but many of these professional women can't loosen up the first time, so I didn't think anything was wrong. I pulled off the skimpy bottom of her costume and was getting ready to enter her when she really pulled back and said "If you're going to do this, at least wear a condom so I don't get AIDS or something." I said "Come on, honey, I don't want to stop." But she was insistent, almost crying, saying I needed a condom. Well, this was new to me, but I could understand her worrying about getting AIDS. Hey, I mean even Magic Johnson has AIDS, so I guess she could figure a stud like me might have it too. But I don't carry them around, so I said "I don't have any, and I don't want to give you up." She said "I'll get one," and she went into her bedroom and got one. I put it on, eased her back on the couch and we had sex.

I was shocked when you guys came to the house this morning and took me down to the station. I mean, I didn't rape her. She didn't seriously object. True, she wasn't very responsive, but neither are many of the women I date. Many of these hotshot women really don't know how to loosen up, and some don't want to show that they are enjoying you. But she never said stop once we started, except to get the condom, and I never threatened her or forced her to have sex. I just can't get over that now she's crying rape. I don't know whether she's just crazy or a vindictive bitch. But I'm telling you, it wasn't rape!