My name is Victoria Vix. I am twenty six years old, single and a CPA/financial planner. Earlier tonight I went to a Halloween party at an acquaintance's house. I really didn't want to go because when I go to parties with my friend Susan, she tends to get drunk and leave with some guy, and I need to get a ride home or take a cab. Susan really wanted me to go and promised it wouldn't happen, so at the last minute I agreed to go. Of course, because I wasn't planning to go, I didn't have a costume, so Susan lent me one. It was a french maid costume - a little skimpy for my taste but it wasn't too bad and I figured everyone would be dressed up and nobody would really notice.

Once I got to the party I was glad I had come. There were very interesting people there, including a number of up and coming sports personalities. I'm always looking for clients, and I thought I might meet some prospects. I was not looking for an after party date or encounter - I just ended a serious relationship two months ago and I'm not interested in romance or sexual encounters. I met some interesting people and was having a pretty good time until an acquaintance came over and told me that Susan had gotten tipsy and left with some guy. Needless to say, I was angry and upset.

About that time, this large, somewhat attractive guy I'd never seen before joined the group of people with whom I was talking. He didn't say much until most of the others left. I knew he had heard that I didn't have a ride home, and I wasn't real surprised when he offered to drive me. I tried to be nice and thank him for his offer, but I also told him I'd take a cab. He said that would be a waste of money and that he didn't mind, so I agreed. He wasn't really coming on to me, and I had no reason to think I was in any danger.

He drove me home, and when we arrived, he acted like a real gentleman. He opened the car door for me and offered to walk me in. I declined, but he asked to use the phone (his beeper had gone off while we were in the car), and after he had driven me two miles home, I thought that was the least I could do. I waited in the living room while he called, since I didn't want to listen to his conversation. When he got off the phone, he came into the living room and began coming on to me. I told him I wasn't interested in anything and asked him to go. He kept telling me to loosen up, and I started getting nervous. I mean, this guy is maybe 6'5" and probably over 250 pounds, and there's no way I could resist him if he pushed himself on me.

I must have asked him to leave three or four times, but he kept getting more insistent, telling me I wanted him as much as he wanted me. He then started talking as if I had no choice - he said "I'm a big, strong guy. I'm real hot. I get what I want and I want you. I'm gonna give you the time of your life and you are going to enjoy it." The more I backed away, the stronger he came on. I murmured "No, stop" but he ignored me and told me it's better if I don't fight. He then pulled off my clothes and fondled and kissed me. He was rough and I was afraid of him.

After awhile he was very aroused and began to remove my underwear. I knew he was going to force himself on me, and I was more worried about AIDS than anything else. So, I asked him begged him, really - to wear a condom. Although he didn't want to stop, I guess he had some compassion for me and let me get one that I happened to have from when I was involved in a sexual relationship with my then-fiance. He put on the condom, pushed me back down on the couch and had sex with me. A few minutes after he "came", his beeper went off. He made a phone call, got dressed and said he hoped to see me again some time. He then left.

I immediately began to sob, but thought enough to go to the window and get his license number. I knew his name was Roger, and that he was a World League football player, but I didn't know his last name. After taking a shower, I called my sister and began sobbing. She came over and had me call the police. I was taken to the hospital for an examination. They said I had some minor

bruises, but it was "inconclusive" as to whether they were more consistent with "normal" rough sex or forced intercourse. Of course there was no semen since he wore the condom, which he flushed.

I still can't believe that I was raped. I'm a very conservative person when it comes to dating and sex, and I never, never have sex on the first date. In fact, I've only had sex with a few other men, and always in a serious relationship. I didn't do anything to come on to him, and I can't believe that just because I was wearing that stupid costume that he thought I was out for sex. I also can't believe that I didn't think to call anyone for help from my bedroom phone - but I really don't think at that point that it would have made any difference.