Small Group Problem-Solving Sessions: Mens Rea and Mistake (Optional)


Sign up for ONE of the following sessions.  Sign-up sheets are with Marcia in the Administrative Suite.  Space is limited (there are enough spaces for everyone, but not necessarily when you want to attend).  Sign up early for your choice of time.

Sessions will be held:

Thursday, Oct. 7 11:00-11:50 Faculty Conf. Room (2d flr)
Thursday, Oct. 7 3:00-3:50 2-200B
Thursday, Oct. 7 4:00-4:50 2-200B


Think about what you've learned from the previous two problems we did in class and use that in the next problem.

Think more about the role a defendant's mistake should play in determining criminal liability.  What is the relationship between mens rea and mistake?

Do the Dangerous Weapon problems and be prepared to address them in the small group sessions.

Small Group Session:  Go over Dangerous Weapon Problems

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