Class 17: To What Extent Does a Stated State of Mind Extend?  X-Citement Video and Langley


Read United States v. X-Citement Video and United States v. Langley

Think about the questions posed in the Study Guides:

X-Citement Video                                    Langley

Write answers to the questions sufficient for you to participate fully in class discussion

In Class: Analysis of X-Citement Video and Langley


1.  What factors seem to be most persuasive to the courts in deciding between strict liability and implied mens rea?  in determining where a stated state of mind applies?  Why?

2.  What role do the canons of construction and common law principles play?  What is the relationship between the factors in #1 and these canons and principles?

3.  Could you apply these factors, canons and principles to a new situation?   What are the steps needed to do so?

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