Class 1 - Introduction


Do: Go to the Criminal Law Class Website (you are here!)

Read: Welcome, Class Requirements and Coverage Overview pages 

Think about: any questions you have regarding the structure or focus of the course and be prepared to raise these in class

Do:  Bring in a story (from a newspaper, magazine, radio or TV news or personal experience) that involves an issue of "substantive" criminal law (crimes, not procedure).  The story should raise an interesting issue of criminalization, proper punishment, statutory interpretation, etc.  Be prepared to briefly share your story (no more than 2 minutes) and tell why you think it is worthy of discussion.

In Class:  Brief Introduction, Review of Course Structure, Requirements and Expectations.  Sharing of criminal law stories.


1) Beginning Wednesday (for Property) class will meet in room 03.  Remember to turn in your card to Jackie in the Holmes Suite by tomorrow.

2)  If you had a really good story that you did not get to share, feel free to post it on the "Crim Law in the News" discussion list IF it is a "substantive" criminal law story (should this be a crime, what crime might it be, etc.).

3) Think about any questions you have regarding the course and be prepared to raise them at the beginning of class next Wednesday.  

4) Think about what preconceptions you have about Criminal Law and in what ways might they enhance or inhibit your learning.  

5) What is the relationship between what ought to be criminalized and what sentence a person who is convicted of a crime should receive?  That question leads us to the sentencing exercise for next week.

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