Inside the Supreme Court

Petition to Decision

Papers of Supreme Court Justices on Civil Rights Cases

David Achtenberg

Professor & Law Foundation Scholar

UMKC School of Law

Kansas City, MO 64110-2499


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Oklahoma City v. Tuttle
Transcripts of Selected Documents

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Justices' Conference Notes (1/11/85)

Justice Blackmun's Conference Notes Transcript PDF JPEG
1 2
Justice Brennan's Conference Notes Transcript PDF JPEG
1 2
Justice Powell's Conference Notes (Blank)1 Transcript1 PDF JPEG1
1 Justice Powell was ill and did not participate in oral argument or the conference on Tuttle.  As a result, his conference note forms  are blank except for typed portions indicating the case name, the date of conference, and the justices' names.  See the pdf for the typed portions of the otherwise blank form.

Justices' Oral Argument Notes (1/8/85)

Justice Blackmun's Oral Argument Notes Transcript PDF JPEG
Justice Powell's Oral Argument Notes (Blank)2 Transcript2 PDF JPEG2
2 Justice Powell was ill and did not participate in oral argument or the conference on Tuttle.  As a result, his oral argument note form is blank except for typed portions indicating the case name and the date of oral argument.  See the pdf for the typed portions of the otherwise blank form.

Justices' Miscellaneous Notes

Justice Blackmun's Notes Before Argument Transcript PDF JPEG