Legal Research Texts for Law Students
- Robert C. Berring & Elizabeth A.
Edinger, Legal Research Survival Manual (2002). Order
from West Group (800) 313-West or Foundation Press (877) 888-1330 for $18.00.
This is a short "cliff note" style approach to legal research from some
of the most widely-respected legal research instructors and librarians in
the field. It is specifically designed to help law students transition
into practice and summer clerkship.
- Christina L. Kunz, et al.,
The Process of Legal Research Order at Amazon.com. This is well-respected
and widely used process-oriented approach. It is quite thorough in
its approach. Many students use this in their legal research and writing
- Amy E. Sloan, Basic Legal Research:
Tools and Strategies (2000). Another excellent, yet more thorough
approach. Lots of excellent "screen shots" of both print and online
tools, which make it easy for readers to understand how the tools are used.
Available at Amazon.com.
- Christopher G. Wren & Jill Robinson
Wren, The Legal Research Manual: A Game Plan for Legal Research
and Analysis (2nd ed. 1986). Order at Amazon.com. Although its focus
is on print sources (it predates wide spread use of Lexis and Westlaw), this
is an excellent and systematic approach to legal research. It is written
from the perspective of a practicing attorney (an assistant attorney general
for the State of Wisconsin) and is adept at helping to fill in the gaps that
students may have with respect to their understanding of legal research education.
Legal Research Guides(On the Web)
Online Legal Research(LEXIS and Westlaw)
Legal Research on the Web