Inside the Supreme Court

Petition to Decision

Papers of Supreme Court Justices on Civil Rights Cases

David Achtenberg

Professor & Law Foundation Scholar

UMKC School of Law

Kansas City, MO 64110-2499


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Oklahoma City v. Tuttle
 Key to Abbreviations Cast of Characters
Key to Abbreviations Used
Abbreviation Name Title Term
ALS Alexander L. Stevas Clerk to the Supreme Court 1980-85
AML Annemarie Levins Clerk to Justice Powell 1984-85
BH Beth Heifetz Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1985-86
BRW Byron R. White Associate Justice 1962-93
DAC David A. Charny Clerk to Justice Powell 1983-84
DAN David A. Niddrie Staff Counsel 1984-86
HAB Harry A. Blackmun Associate Justice 1970-94
HCL Henry Curtis Lind Reporter of Decisions 1979-89
JPS John Paul Stevens Associate Justice 1975-10
LFP Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Associate Justice 1972-87
PGC Paul G. Cassell Clerk to Justice Marshall 1985-86
RP Richard Pildes Clerk to Justice Marshall 1984-85
SDO or SOC Sandra Day O'Connor Associate Justice 1981-06
SM Scott McIntosh Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1983-84
TM Thurgood Marshall Associate Justice 1967-91
VLB Vicki L. Been Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1984-85
WEB Warren E. Burger Chief Justice  1969-86
WHR William H. Rehnquist Associate Justice
Chief Justice
WJB William J. Brennan Associate Justice 1956-90
WSM Wanda S. Martinson Secretary to Justice Blackmun 1974-94




Tuttle Home
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Cast of Characters
The Justices
Abbreviation Name Title Term
WEB Warren E. Burger Chief Justice  1969-86
HAB Harry A. Blackmun Associate Justice 1970-94
WJB William J. Brennan Associate Justice 1956-90
TM Thurgood Marshall Associate Justice 1967-91
SDO or SOC Sandra Day O'Connor Associate Justice 1981-06
LFP Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Associate Justice 1972-87
WHR William H. Rehnquist Associate Justice
Chief Justice
JPS John Paul Stevens Associate Justice 1975-10
BRW Byron R. White Associate Justice 1962-93
Clerks - Tuttle Certiorari  (1983-84 Term)
Abbreviation Name Title Term
DAC David A. Charny Clerk to Justice Powell 1983-84
SM Scott McIntosh Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1983-84
Clerks - Tuttle Merits (1984-85 Term)
Abbreviation Name Title Term
AML Annemarie Levins Clerk to Justice Powell 1984-85
RP Richard Pildes Clerk to Justice Marshall 1984-85
VLB Vicki L. Been Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1984-85
Clerks - Tuttle Rehearing (1985-86 Term)
Abbreviation Name Title Term
BH Beth Heifetz Clerk to Justice Blackmun 1985-86
PGC Paul G. Cassell Clerk to Justice Marshall 1985-86
Abbreviation Name Title Term
HCL Henry Curtis Lind Reporter of Decisions 1979-87
WSM Wanda S. Martinson Secretary to Justice Blackmun 1974-94
DAN David A. Niddrie Staff Counsel 1984-86
ALS Alexander L. Stevas Clerk to the Supreme Court 1980-85