Inside the Supreme Court

Petition to Decision

Papers of Supreme Court Justices on Civil Rights Cases

David Achtenberg

Professor & Law Foundation Scholar

UMKC School of Law

Kansas City, MO 64110-2499


Tuttle Home
Cast of Characters
Conversion Protocols



Oklahoma City v. Tuttle

Researcher Information

Sources for Further Research
Transcripts of Handwritten  Notes and Memos
Cast of Characters
Names & Abbreviations
Document Location in Archives
Conversion Protocols
Web Document Creation

This page links to various pages that may be useful to you.  Are you . . .

  • Interested in scholarly articles providing more information about the case?  Try the Bibliography Page.
  • Having trouble interpreting some of the difficult-to-decipher handwritten notes and documents?  Try the Transcriptions Pages.
  • Confused about the abbreviations used in this website or exactly who the various people are and how they are connected?  Try the Cast of Characters.
  • Interested in more detailed information about the originals of the documents presented in this website or the archives in which they can be found? Try the Sources Page.
  • Curious about the methods used to create the website's images?    Try the Conversions Protocol Page.