Inside the Supreme Court

Petition to Decision

Papers of Supreme Court Justices on Civil Rights Cases

David Achtenberg

Professor & Law Foundation Scholar

UMKC School of Law

Kansas City, MO 64110-2499


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Part 1
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Part 4







McDonald v. City of West Branch



 Part 1
Deciding to Grant Review
First Filings to Grant of Certiorari
Part 2
Briefing, Argument & Decision on the Merits
Grant of Certiorari to First Conference
Part 3
Drafting the Opinions
irst Drafts to Final Decisions
Part 4
After the Decision
Petition for Rehearing and Post Decision Events


          Coverage:  This page is a chronological timeline of the Court’s internal discussion and handling of McDonald from the petitioner's earliest filings through the announcement of the decision in the case.  The timeline is divided into four sections which can be accessed through the buttons above or the ones in the yellow navigation area.


         Accessing Documents:  Each event is linked to all the documents in the Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, Powell , and White files (as well as some documents from additional sources) that relate to that event.  To access a document, click on its link.  In the illustration below, you would click the link indicated by the red arrow to access the copy of Justice Powell's Opinion log that was found in his files.  (The links do not work on this illustration which is not from the McDonald files.  To experiment, go to the timeline itself.) 




          Duplicate Documents:  When more than one copy of a document was found, I have included and linked all copies.  When a particular justice’s copy of a document contains additional annotations or markings, the link to that copy ends with an asterisk.   In the illustration above, the asterisks at the end of the circled entries indicate that both Justice Marshall and Justice Powell (or their clerks) made notes on their respective copies of the first draft of Justice Brennan's majority opinion.


          Abbreviations:  I have abbreviated the names of the justices, their clerks, and a few other persons.  A key to all abbreviations can be accessed by clicking the abbreviations button in the yellow navigation area. 


          Dates:  If the date of an event is unclear, estimated or derived, the date is underlined and the date is linked to an explanation. 


          Higher Resolution Copies:  Most of the documents are presented in comparatively small pdf files which should be adequate for most uses.  Please let me know if you think that any particular image needs to be replaced with a higher resolution version.  I will also be happy to send higher resolution copies (or original JPEGs) of any images to anyone who needs them.  For further information about how the documents were photographed, edited and converted to pdf files, click here to go to the Image Creation and Conversion Protocol Page


          Sources and Citation:  For an explanation of how to determine the original archive location of any document, click here to go to the Document Source Page.



McDonald Timeline—Part 1
Deciding to Grant Review: First Filings to Grant of Certiorari (08/11/83 - 10/03/83)
Event Date HAB WJB TM LFP BRW Other
Petition for Certiorari filed. 08/11/83           Docket
Brief in Opposition filed. 09/06/83           Docket
Petition and Brief in Opposition distributed to chambers for consideration at the September 26, 1983 certiorari conference. 09/07/83           Docket
RGT (SDO Clerk) circulates memo to pool recommending that certiorari be granted and raises the possibility of summary reversal without argument.  09/09/83 Memo RGT to Pool*     Memo RGT to Pool*    
DAC (LFP Clerk) writes memo to LFP recommending denial.  If grant looks possible, he recommends CFR (calling for the record below before deciding whether to grant). 09/10/83       Memo DAC to LFP    
  LFP annotates RGT memo indicating he will vote to deny. 09/11/83       Memo RGT to Pool*      
RAB (HAB Clerk) annotates RGT memo recommending summary reversal.  ("Given the overwhelming support going against the CA6 decision, it seems that argument may not be worthwhile.") 09/18/83 Memo RGT to Pool*
Case is discussed in conference.  WJB, BRW, TM, WHR, and SDO vote to grant.  LFP, and JPS vote to deny.  WEB either votes to deny (per LFP and HAB dockets) or possibly passes (per WJB docket).  HAB votes to join 3.  Certiorari is granted. 09/26/83 HAB Docket WJB Docket   LFP Docket    
Order issued granting certiorari. 10/03/83           Docket
McDonald Timeline—Part 2
Briefing, Argument & Decision on the Merits (10/04/83 - 02/29/84)
Event Date HAB WJB TM LFP BRW Other
  Joint Appendix filed. 11/14/83           Docket
Court extends time for filing of Petitioner's merits brief until November 21, 1983. 11/15/83           Docket
Petitioner files brief on the merits. 11/21/83 Docket
Petitioner Brief
Amicus AFL-CIO et al file amicus brief supporting petitioner 11/21/83           Docket
Amicus AFL-CIO
Amicus Mandel Legal Aid Clinic files amicus brief supporting petitioner 11/23/83           Docket
Amicus Mandel
  Record filed 11/23/83           Docket  
  Respondents file brief on the merits 12/21/83           Docket
Respondents Brief
Amicus Equal Employment Advisory Council files amicus brief supporting respondents 12/21/83           Docket
Amicus EEAC
Court sets case for argument on February 27, 1984. 01/09/84           Docket
Briefs etc. are circulated to chambers 01/11/84           Docket
  Petitioner files reply brief on the merits 02/14/84           Docket
Reply Brief
SRM (HAB Clerk) sends memo to HAB recommending reversal.  02/23/84 Memo SRM to HAB          
SRM submits proposed oral argument questions to HAB 02/23/84 HAB Oral Argument Questions          
JEN (LFP clerk) sends memo to LFP recommending reversal.  02/24/84       Memo JEN to LFP    
LFP reviews and annotates JEN memo tentatively concluding that he should reverse based on previous case law.  He expresses doubt that the result makes sense as a matter of policy and general hostility toward § 1983.  ("But the problem is § 1983 that has been expanded to be the single most burdensome federal statute in terms of encouraging litigation - most of it frivolous.") 02/25/84       Memo JEN to LFP    
HAB prepares pre-argument notes indicating that he intends to reverse and setting forth his reasoning.  [transcript] 02/26/84 HAB Pre-Argument Notes          
Case argued. 02/27/84 HAB Argument Notes
[Transcript of Notes]
    LFP Argument Notes
[Transcript of Notes]
Oral Argument Audio with Transcript
Official Oral Argument Transcript
KRB (BRW Clerk) sends memo to BRW recommending reversal. 02/27/84         Memo KRB to BRW  
WJB prepares notes for conference 02/28/84   WJB Notes for Conference        
LFP prepares dictates notes expressing the position he will take at the conference.  02/29/84 LFP Notes for Conference
  Case is discussed in conference.  WEB apparently initially votes to affirm.  The other justices vote to reverse.  WEB switches to affirm making it unanimous.  2/29/84 HAB Conference Notes
Transcript of Notes
HAB Docket
WJB Conference Notes
Transcript of Notes
WJB Docket
  LFP Conference Notes
Transcript of Notes
 McDonald Timeline—Part 3
Drafting the Opinions: From First Drafts to Final Opinions (03/03/84 - 04/18/84)
Event Date HAB WJB TM LFP BRW Other
Majority opinion assigned to WJB.  03/03/84 HAB Circulation Record
HAB Docket
WJB Circulation Record   LFP Circulation Record    
WJB circulates 1st draft of opinion. 03/29/84 WJB 1st Draft WJB 1st Draft WJB 1st Draft* WJB 1st Draft* WJB 1st Draft*  
JPS sends WJB memo stating he will join the opinion. 03/29/84 Memo JPS to WJB Memo JPS to WJB Memo JPS to WJB Memo JPS to WJB Memo JPS to WJB  
LFP annotates WJB's draft stating he will join the opinion and sends WJB memo to that effect.   03/29/84 Memo LFP to WJB Memo LFP to WJB Memo LFP to WJB WJB 1st Draft*
Memo LFP to WJB*
Memo LFP to WJB  
 SDO sends WJB memo stating he will join the opinion. 03/29/84 Memo SDO to WJB Memo SDO to WJB Memo SDO to WJB Memo SDO to WJB Memo SDO to WJB  
WHR sends WJB memo stating he will join the opinion. 03/29/84 Memo WHR to WJB Memo WHR to WJB Memo WHR to WJB Memo WHR to WJB    
SRM (HAB Clerk) sends HAB recommending that HAB join WJB's opinion. 03/29/84 Memo SRM to HAB          
HAB sends WJB memo stating he will join the opinion. 03/30/84 Memo HAB to WJB Memo HAB to WJB Memo HAB to WJB Memo HAB to WJB Memo HAB to WJB  
BRW annotates WJB's draft stating he will join the opinion and sends WJB memo to that effect. 03/30/84 Memo BRW to WJB Memo BRW to WJB Memo BRW to WJB   WJB 1st Draft*
Memo BRW to WJB
TM annotates WJB's draft stating he will join the opinion and sends WJB memo to that effect.   03/30/84 Memo TM to WJB Memo TM to WJB WJB 1st Draft*
Memo TM to WJB
Memo TM to WJB Memo TM to WJB  
WEB sends WJB memo stating he will join the opinion. 03/30/84 Memo WEB to WJB Memo WEB to WJB Memo WEB to WJB Memo WEB to WJB Memo WEB to WJB  
HCL sends draft syllabus to WJB. 04/03/84   Syllabus Draft 1        
WJB annotates draft syllabus, possibly for use in opinion announcement. 04/04/84 Syllabus Draft 1  
HCL sends draft syllabus to WJB with vote lineup added. 04/16/84   Syllabus Draft 2        
WJB delivers the opinion for unanimous court. 04/18/84           Docket
McDonald Timeline—Part 4
After the Decision: Post-Decision Events  (04/19/84 - 5/21/84)
Event Date HAB WJB TM LFP BRW Other
Judgment issued 05/21/84           Docket



Notes to Timeline Dates
Date Explanation
09/11/83 Date estimated based on date of DAC memo to LFP.  It may have been later but clearly before the certiorari conference of 09/26.
02/28/84 Date estimated based on date of oral argument and date of conference.
02/29/84 This document was probably prepared shortly before the 2/29 conference. It is probably the "unedited dictated memo" LFP mentions in his conference notes. 
03/03/84 WJB's circulation record and HAB's circulation record and docket show the March 3 date.  LFP's circulation record shows March 5. 
04/04/84 Date estimated based on date of draft.  The changes marked on this draft (except for the vote lineup) were not incorporated in the final syllabus.  They may have been notes to WJB for use in announcing the decision.